
英语作文 2024-03-29 17:46:56 英语作文



第一篇: 保护干净的水资源英语作文

 Water is the source of life. Without water, we can"t do many things, such as laundry, cooking, bathing... And these things are so important to us.

  Plants can"t live without water, because without water, they will dry up; Animals can"t live without water, because without water, they will die of thirst.

  Protect water resources from around. I want to ask the uncles and aunts of the factory not to pour harmful chemical liquids into rivers and lakes; I want to ask those children who love playing with water to stop wasting water resources; I want to ask everyone to turn off the tap, otherwise the last drop of water in the world will be human tears. Please don"t throw things that pollute water resources into the water, because the tap water for us will be reduced slowly. The water for washing vegetables can be poured into the toilet, the water for washing clothes can flush the toilet, and the water for washing rice can be used to wash vegetables

  So far, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, water is still inexhaustible. There are excessive exploitation, waste, rough trampling and pollution of water resources everywhere. Water resources are the common wealth of mankind. To protect water resources, we must improve people"s understanding of water resources. The state should formulate corresponding water-saving laws and regulations, and everyone should consciously develop the good habit of saving water.

  We should start from the little things around us, save water in life, and fight against the waste and destruction of water resources. If human beings continue to destroy and waste water resources, the last drop of water they see will be their own tears!

  Water can do countless things. Water is a beautiful landscape painting. Water is the life given to us by nature.

  Let"s start now, let"s act together! Protect and cherish water resources. I believe that the last drop of water on the earth is definitely not human tears.

第二篇: 保护干净的水资源英语作文

  Today, the teacher took us to a lecture on water. I disdained: "Jiangnan Water Town". We have a lot of water here. Why should we save so much! However, I don"t know if I don"t listen. I"m shocked. I might as well tell you the content of this lecture.

  First of all, let"s take a look at the water volume in China. Our country ranks sixth in the world. But don"t be complacent! China is the most populous country in the world, and its per capita water consumption is still the last. Although there is still a large amount of water in Jiangsu Province, when we look at Zhenjiang, the water volume is the penultimate in Jiangsu Province, only half of that in Lianyungang.

  Do you know why our water is decreasing so quickly? Mainly because of pollution. Now, the waste water from the factory is discharged into rivers, lakes and seas, including food] feces from some pig farms and cattle farms. Some unconscious citizens pour leftovers into the river at will, resulting in excess nutrition. In addition, the waste water used at home flows in and pollutes the water resources.

  So, how should we protect water resources? We should not litter in fish ponds, rivers, oceans and other places. We should use water in a series of ways. For example, we can use rice washing water to water flowers, wash vegetables and mop the floor, and flush the toilet with vegetable washing water, mopping water and bathing water, which can protect water resources.

  Some people say that protecting water resources can not be done by one person. Yes, one person can do it, but if we work together, we can protect water resources.

  What is the purpose of protecting water resources? More! We drink water every day to beautify the environment and feed small fish and shrimp.

  Let"s work together to protect water resources!

第三篇: 保护干净的水资源英语作文

  Everyone knows to protect and save water. We need to protect water.

  But our home is seriously polluted. We need to treat sewage.

  My father is a village cadre. One day, my parents took me home. I saw a grandpa pouring rotten oranges. When my father saw this phenomenon, he quickly stopped to stop it and explained the seriousness of the matter to the grandpa.

  We should also cherish water sources. One night, when we went back to the dormitory, my aunt told us to wash. Dai Zhuoyu talked while receiving the water. When the water was full, I reminded her, "Dai Zhuoyu, we should save water! Turn off the tap in time." this is the spirit of water supply.

  We know that pigs are raised in all rural areas. Pig feces are thrown into the river, which stinks and pollutes the river. If you raise pigs in your family, you must remind your parents not to throw pig feces and garbage into the river, and ensure that the river is clean and tidy.

  If we want to improve the living environment, we must achieve the common treatment of five rivers: sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply and water saving!




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