
英语作文 2024-03-25 19:09:39 英语作文




 Water is the source of life. Without water, we can"t do many things, such as laundry, cooking, bathing... And these things are so important to us.

  Plants can"t live without water, because without water, they will dry up; Animals can"t live without water, because without water, they will die of thirst.

  Protect water resources from around. I want to ask the uncles and aunts of the factory not to pour harmful chemical liquids into rivers and lakes; I want to ask those children who love playing with water to stop wasting water resources; I want to ask everyone to turn off the tap, otherwise the last drop of water in the world will be human tears. Please don"t throw things that pollute water resources into the water, because the tap water for us will be reduced slowly. The water for washing vegetables can be poured into the toilet, the water for washing clothes can flush the toilet, and the water for washing rice can be used to wash vegetables

  So far, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, water is still inexhaustible. There are excessive exploitation, waste, rough trampling and pollution of water resources everywhere. Water resources are the common wealth of mankind. To protect water resources, we must improve people"s understanding of water resources. The state should formulate corresponding water-saving laws and regulations, and everyone should consciously develop the good habit of saving water.

  We should start from the little things around us, save water in life, and fight against the waste and destruction of water resources. If human beings continue to destroy and waste water resources, the last drop of water they see will be their own tears!

  Water can do countless things. Water is a beautiful landscape painting. Water is the life given to us by nature.

  Let"s start now, let"s act together! Protect and cherish water resources. I believe that the last drop of water on the earth is definitely not human tears.


  We all know that water is our life resource, but someone is destroying it. Let"s have a look today!

  Take Chaozhou, our hometown, for example! You see, the pool upstairs of my house is polluted. People don"t pay attention to hygiene. They throw rubbish into our pool, even take a bath in it, and some pee in it. It"s really hateful.

  A few days later, the pool upstairs changed. It was supposed to be for people to go up and play. When they were thirsty, they could drink water. However, it has now become a "smelly" ditch. When people go up, there is no delicious water to drink. At this time, I seem to hear Nature say, "this is your due punishment!"

  If I become an ambassador to protect the environment, I will take the following measures to stop them and let them know the importance of water. I will publish advertisements and write some words about protecting water resources. For example, you should protect water resources so that plants can have a good harvest. I will also publicize the importance of water to neighbors and community people.

  I believe that before long, our small pond will be the same as before. Even after it is expanded, a pipe will be installed under it, and then the water will be transmitted to the farmers" uncle"s crops, so that the crops will have a good harvest this autumn. Is this a perfect and easy way to do?


  Water is the source of life and the foundation of life. Human beings can"t live without water. People can not eat for a few days, but they can not drink for a few days. Now, there are 2 billion people in the world who are in serious water shortage. The water crisis has sounded an alarm to mankind!

  When I was a child, I thought the water in the tap could flow all the time. My parents often tell me which places have suffered from drought recently. Not to mention planting crops, it is difficult to guarantee people"s drinking water. I found it hard to imagine that water was not the most thing on earth? There are so many big rivers, great lakes and seas. How can there be a shortage of water?

  Later, as I grew up, I gradually understood that 99% of the existing water reserves are sea water and polar ice that are not suitable for human use, and the remaining less than 1% of the available water sources are mostly in the stratum below 800 meters. The water of rivers and lakes that people depend on for survival accounts for only 0.5% of the total. 01%。 Mankind is facing the crisis of serious shortage of fresh water.

  However, this severe situation has not attracted enough attention. The rivers and lakes that people depend on are being polluted more and more seriously. Only by preventing new pollutants from entering rivers and lakes, the original pollutants in rivers and lakes may go, dilute and eventually disappear with the water flow. Therefore, the most fundamental way to prevent and control river and lake pollution is to control pollution sources. We know that the main sources of river and lake pollution are industrial wastewater and urban and rural domestic sewage.

  If we don"t cherish water resources, the last drop of water on the earth in the future will be our own tears.




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