
高中作文 2022-09-29 16:44:08 高中作文
[摘要]  作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。下面是我爱文学网为大家整理的中餐西餐差异




       In England,people always have some bread and milk for breakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry.But on weekends,breakfast is a big feast with bacon,porridge,coffee,eggs,toasts,cakes,and so on.As for lunch,its always so simple.People usually have a sandwich or a hot dog.Some people also eat in a fast-food restaurant nearby.This meal won’t last very long.

  Dinner is the biggest meal with potato,beef,chicken,soup,and some desserts.At this meal,people usually sit around the table and talk about their daily events.This is the best time for family gathering.Cheese is the most popular food in European countries and the United States.According to different dishes and wine,different cheese is tied in.The simplest cheese is to put a certain amount of all kinds of cheese on a plate,called cheese dish.

  Jewish usually eat apples with honey on New Years Day,in order to celebrate the happiest New Year.





    The Food Culture Difference Between China and West Studying food cultural differences,we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject.It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures.

  Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives.It has special status in the Chinese culture,and it also has a great distinction between China and the west.As one of the world ancient nations,China’s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization.But in western countries,ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did.The differences in concepts,targets,patterns,attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristic.

  Differences in Concepts Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet and pays attention to the "color,flavor,taste " regardless of the nutrition .Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood” that is difficult for one to say anything.Even using the "color,flavor,shape and implement "which people often said to make the" realm "reification,is still difficult to crown all.Chinese


    Good afternoon, everyone! Today I want to talk something about the food culture in china and western countries. And I hope you will enjoy it.

  Generally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associate food with important holidays and the chance to meet guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and interesting names. We Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from the western counties. In the western countries, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. What’s more, the cuisine and table manners are quite different from ours in a great extent. .

  • Ok, now I will show you some differences between China and western countries.

  • First, it’s about the special way to make greeting in china

  • It is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meet each other around the time before or after meals. Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets. In fact, it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other just like English tend to begin a communication with weather.

  But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite them to dinner .However, Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you. That is why they ask others if they had food yet?

  Ok, second, what I want to say is everything is eatable in China.

  • It seems that we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food, whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic. However, Foreigners cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes, dogs and even frogs. When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body. There is an American teacher didn't want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she saw the meat cut from a certain part of the pig.

  • Ok, now, let’s talk something about the names of the dishes in China which very often puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when we order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just.

  because sometimes the food is very simple but the name is very obscure(晦涩). For example one of the dishes is called "Ants Climbing the Trees." But the food is simple potato noodles and bits of meat in it, while most of western food has a simple and clear name and you know what it is when you hear the name. For instance, there is a traditional food call "fish and chips" in the UK. You see it is very obvious it is fried fish and potato chips. The reason for this atmosphere in China is on the one hand people want to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, and on the other hand they give it butiful good names so that you have a good imagination of it and have a good appetite.

  • Finally ,usually ,there is to much food to eat at meals in China

  This is because we Chinese think it very impolite if we don't cook the food enough for the guests so we normally cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests. They will keep saying, "eat more" and in English we have the expression "help yourself". Americans never force you to eat more. If you stop eating, they tend to think you are full. So sometime foreigners feel very helpless when the host and hostess to put more food in their dishes and bowls and they can do nothing but eat more and more until they are completely full. So some foreigners learn to know they always leave some food in their bowls or dishes in order to avoid more food to be added when are invited to dinner in Chinese family. That is the differences in food culture between China and the West.




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